Video: Exercises to improve the connection

[DUTCH] Video: Oefeningen voor een betere aanleuning

Birthday Giveaway Day #3

Today, you have a chance at winning the ‘Bucas Therapy Rug’ How to win? Solve the Hidden Objects Game! Click on ‘start here’, use the clues to find the hidden objects and then enter your name and email. Today, you have a chance at winning the ‘Bucas Therapy Rug’ How to win? Solve the Hidden Objects Game! […]
Birthday Giveaway Day #2

Today, you have a chance at winning a one-year Silver Membership to my Trainer’s Club worth €499! How to win? Upload a photo of a dressage horse that, according to you, shows harmony, looseness and a correct way of moving. This can be a photo of someone you know personally or a a well-known dressage rider. Today, […]
Birthday Giveaway Day #1

Today, you have a chance at winning my full training program ‘From Basics to Grand Prix’ ánd the new DressagePro Saddle Pad! How to win? Finish the puzzle below within 2 minutes and you have a chance at winning! Today, you have a chance at winning my full training program ‘From Basics to Grand Prix’ […]
Cirkel van Energie: Hoe, wat, en waarom?

Een goede verbinding, dat is wat we allemaal willen… maar hoe bereiken we dit? Wat als jouw paard zijn hals opkrult of steeds het tempo overneemt? Of gespannen raakt wanneer je hem naar de hand probeert te rijden? Rien legt het uit volgens de Cirkel van Energie. Wat wordt er bedoeld met de Cirkel van […]
The Contact Rein With A Sensitive And Pushy Horse

This following blog is only in Dutch. Naar de hand toe rijden met een sensibel, loperig en duwerig paard. Dat is niet eenvoudig. Lange tijd had ik met Wayana het gevoel dat ik helemaal niet naar de hand toe kon rijden. Tenzij ik in de bakrand wilde belanden. Mijn oplossing met Wayana was dan ook […]
Does your horse drag his legs while backing up?

Isn’t your horse active while backing up? Doesn’t he lift his legs or does he make a little ditch? When a horse is really active, he will never drag his legs while going backward. He will always lift his legs. Not all horses are the same and one horse will drag his legs sooner than […]
Focus on the direction of the connection

In my previous blog, I spoke about the phase most riders forget about, the phase of the contact rein. In this first phase of the training you want to achieve three things, namely relaxation, forwardness and that your horse accepts the contact. Once you’ve established that, it’s time to move on to the second phase. […]
The thing most riders forget

The thing most riders forget about: In all the years of teaching I noticed that the core of 99% of all of the problems riders deal with spiral down to one aspect in the training. It’s the thing most riders forget about or don’t do correctly: getting the right connection by riding with the contact rein. […]